Tag: practice promotion

  • John’s Story

    I have written on many occasions on the link between our beliefs and values about money and wealth and the direct impact they have on our ability to create a financially viable therapy practice. Recently, I have been working with a client who has been exploring his struggle to earn a decent living in his…

  • Dilemmas, Obstacles and Opportunities

    Business Dilemmas Peculiar to Therapists Being a therapist is different from having other jobs. Issues arise in therapy work that would be ignored in other occupations. There can be a belief in therapy circles that these dilemmas can restrict us in seeing a therapy practice as a business. Earning a living is often seen as…

  • Clients Come Through People

    Where does the income in your practice come from? Well, obviously from the fees you receive from clients or organisations who pay on the clients’ behalf. But that’s only part of the story. We none of us exist in isolation. There is a constant process from birth to death of interacting with our environment. Basic…

  • Supporting Our Growth

    We all need support to help us grow. A plant needs sunlight, water and food. A child needs a safe home, food, love, encouragement, stimulation and space to explore. A therapy practice also needs support, and by extension, since we are the product or service we provide, we too need support in order to grow…

  • It’s The Eurovision…Again!

    It’s the Eurovision song contest, again. I’m old enough to remember when it was a huge event, the highlight of television viewing. We would be allowed to stay up late to see it, and there was excitement for weeks in advance about the Irish entry and its potential. The scoring was particularly exciting, and “Nul…

  • CAO Time

    Learning a new skill, such as driving or becoming a therapist, involves a process. In learning to drive, the route is pretty simple. You learn the theory, then you do your driver theory test. Next, you go out and take some lessons. When you’re proficient enough, you do the test. And if you’ve learned your…

  • I Don’t Want To Be Like That…

    For some time when I first started practice, I was plagued by calls from an online advertising agency who wanted my business. Their approach was pushy and aggressive, persistent and intrusive. They always managed to call when I had just started to eat, or relax with a book. It drove me mad. I felt like…

  • Pushing Against Closed Doors

    I’ve written before about how we always have options in addressing an issue. Those options generally break down into the following groups: We can try to change the situation or the other person We can leave the situation or relationship We can change our own behaviour so as to fit in with the situation or…

  • Hiding Things!

    I have noticed recently how much energy I can invest in hiding things I don’t want other people to see, or even that I don’t want to see myself. I’ve known about this tendency of mine for a long time, but recently I notice it all over the place! It’s a product of all the…

  • Facebook: a good servant or a bad master?

    To Facebook or Not to Facebook? I was at a family function recently at which an argument was raging about Facebook. The pro-camp was strongly in favour, citing the benefits of keeping in touch with family and friends, and being able to share photos and cute and inspirational sayings. The anti-camp were pushing hard, pointing…