Tag: Business support

  • 7 Ways to Mind Yourself as a Therapist

    Much of our work focusses on the trouble and pain that our clients encounter in their lives. Some days sitting with clients can be a dark and hopeless experience. It’s important therefore that our life outside the therapy room gives us some balance to that. We all have ways that work for us, but at…

  • Stretching Our World

    I suggested in a previous post (you can read it here) that trying something different on a regular basis can be good for your practice. This one suggestion has made a huge difference to my work, and to my life, in ways I couldn’t have begun to imagine. One of the ways we deal with…

  • Blackberries and the Power of Decisions

    I really love blackberry jam. I love the taste, the texture, the smell, the memories it evokes, and I love the way it spills onto my fingers as I eat and makes them sticky. I love everything about it. But it’s hard to find in the shops, and the commercial varieties bear little resemblance to…

  • Handling Criticism

    They say that we find comfort among those who agree with us, and growth among those who don’t.[1] Yesterday, someone close to me criticised me unjustly for something I hadn’t done. I hate that! When the dust had settled, I asked them to acknowledge that I was right and they were wrong. They were unrepentant.…

  • The Support We Don’t See

    On Thursday, I couldn’t access one of my email accounts. Friday, I couldn’t make payments online. It could be what a former mentor of mine calls “Mercury Retrograde” which (I think) implies, “Don’t rely on technology today, the Gods are playing.” After trying all the usual work-arounds (I am persistent!), another machine, another web browser,…

  • Need to Attract More Clients? Just Ask

    I was in the bank some time ago and a woman who was trying to encourage me to buy a pension gave me a box of mints with “Just Ask” written on it. It reminded me of how complicated we can make the whole looking- for-clients thing. Earlier this week, a friend who was thinking…

  • Help! I Need A Room, Fast

    Help! I have no where to see my client. I need a room, and fast! This was the dilemma my friend found herself in when first started her practice. She had a willing client, but no therapy room. Here are a couple of ideas we came up with:


    Doctors and other medical professionals are a good source of work. They see people who are vulnerable, and at times of crisis in their lives, when counselling or therapy may be one of a range of possible solutions. It’s a good idea therefore to establish a connection with them, and let them know how your…

  • What Do You Think of the Competition?

    What comes to mind when you hear the word “competition”? For many people, it conjures up a sense of threat. But I wonder if you have ever thought of the competition as an asset? A common topic of discussion among therapists is the challenge of isolation. Perhaps surprisingly, this is not just a feature of…

  • Finding Your Voice

    My good friend and EFT practitioner, Barbara E Belmont has been blogging recently about fears of various aspects of finding your voice, speaking up and speaking out. (You can read her blog at http://www.barbaraebelmont.com/blog/) As I read what she has to say, I‘m wondering what is it about putting ourselves out there, in whatever way,…