• VAT on Counselling and Psychotherapy Fees

    When Counsellors and Psychotherapists provide services to clients for a fee, and, where those fees exceed the €37,500pa threshold, those services are liable to VAT at 13.5%. Once the threshold is reached, all of your fees are subject to VAT, not just the excess over the threshold amount. Last July, Counselling and Psychotherapy services were…

  • Willingness to Create a Practice

    There’s a saying that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Taking that first step, and each of the steps that comes after it asks our willingness to move. Willingness is an essential attribute of being a small therapy practice owner. Not just willingness to do the client work, but also…

  • Being Seen

    “According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.” Jerry Seinfeld This quote from Jerry Seinfeld beautifully captures the…

  • 5 Common Mistakes Therapists Make in Marketing Their Practices

    So you want to promote your practice but aren’t sure how to go about it? Or you’ve taken some action but it hasn’t given you the results you’d like? In this article I will show you some of the common mistakes that therapists make, and how you can avoid them. The first and most common…

  • A Business Mind Set

    In his classic series of E-Myth books, Michael Gerber speaks of the entrepreneur mind set, and in particular the distinction that he sees between those who succeed in business and those who don’t. The E-Myth of the title, is the entrepreneur myth, that anyone who starts a business is an entrepreneur. He then goes on…

  • Marketing Your Practice on a Shoestring?

    Starting out and in the early years, most people don’t have either the financial resources or the confidence to commit a large amount of money to marketing their practice. Some investment is needed, because even though you might feel the whole world is looking at what you do, in practice, there’s so much information out…

  • Can Social Media Help to Promote a Therapy Practice?

    Have you thought about social media as a means of promoting your practice but you don’t know where to start? It can be a bit overwhelming, there are so many choices available. And there can be so many questions about what is right for you and your practice. With the ever increasing popularity and reach…

  • How is What We Do Different From a Chat with a Friend?

    “How is therapy different from a chat with a friend?” This was the question posed by Dr Genevieve Becker at a one of our workshops for therapists wanting to start their own practices. We all know there is a difference, but how do we explain it? The challenge is to put words on something which…

  • Assertive Skills to Make Your Practice More Profitable

    Assertive behaviour can help to create a more profitable therapy practice. Often confused with aggressiveness, which is concerned with winning, Assertiveness is stating clearly and directly what you want or how you feel about a situation. It is a both/and position rather than an either/or, and is based in mutuality of respect for ourselves and…

  • What is Your Message? Creating Promotional Material

    So you’re creating a piece of promotional material for your therapy practice, or getting someone to create it for you. Maybe it’s a flyer or a brochure, maybe it’s a website. Maybe it’s a presentation you’ll be giving. Where do you start? One of the differences between promotional material that works, and that doesn’t work,…