Tag: advertising

  • Employee Assistance Programs

    A useful source of work for many counsellors is Employee Assistance Program work (EAP). An EAP is a program of supports that an employer provides to employees as part of their employment contract. The supports offered usually include support for a range of work related issues (including performance), and other issues such as legal issues,…

  • Do You have a Niche or Target Market?

    What is a niche market? And do you have one? When first I qualified as a therapist, I was willing to work with anyone, with any issue. With a firm belief that I’d never reach a place where I had more work than I needed, I was desperate for any client that came my way.…

  • Advertising Your Therapy Practice on the Internet

    I recently spoke to David O’Regan, of David O’Regan, Counselling & Psychotherapy, Newbridge, Co Kildare about his experience of Pay Per Click advertising with Google. You know the ones, they come up in little boxes on the right hand side of your screen when you enter a search term in Google. What Is Pay Per…

  • How Can I Promote my Practice in an Ethical Way?

    Many therapists find it hard to put themselves out there. Having been on the receiving end of sleezy, pushy marketing or sales in the past, they are fearful of visiting that experience on others. Mindful that people looking for therapy or counselling may well be feeling vulnerable already, they are reluctant to take advantage. Conscious…

  • Look At What Technology Can Do For You…

    The technological age has brought many changes, and not all of them are positive. Relationships changing with the advent of mobile phones, social media and instant information. The old ways are dying out, I hear people say, we aren’t talking any more, we pay more attention to virtual friends than real ones. In other words,…

  • Technology Overwhelm?

    Technology Overwhelm? Are you scared by how quickly the world is changing? Are you tyrannised by your email inbox? Daunted by the idea of online banking? Terrified of the idea of online counselling? Or are you addicted to non-stop information? You’re not alone! The pace of change is staggering. Do you realise that it’s only…

  • Marketing Your Practice – What Makes You Stand Out From The Crowd?

    It’s something I hear at least once a week: “There are so many therapists qualifying these days. How will there ever be enough clients to go around?” I don’t know if there are lots of therapists coming into the system, perhaps there are or there aren’t, but maybe there’s a better way of looking at…

  • Fearful of Putting Yourself Out There?

    Many therapists shy away from the idea of promoting themselves. At one of our “Attract More Clients” workshops, my friend and colleague Wei Sim Ho led the group in a discussion of the fears and blocks that come up for them around marketing, and guess what came up? Fears of being judged, of not being good…

  • Need to Attract More Clients? Just Ask

    I was in the bank some time ago and a woman who was trying to encourage me to buy a pension gave me a box of mints with “Just Ask” written on it. It reminded me of how complicated we can make the whole looking- for-clients thing. Earlier this week, a friend who was thinking…


    Doctors and other medical professionals are a good source of work. They see people who are vulnerable, and at times of crisis in their lives, when counselling or therapy may be one of a range of possible solutions. It’s a good idea therefore to establish a connection with them, and let them know how your…