Running on Empty

I have written before about how we relate to our practices. I regularly use the analogy of a growing child to describe the developmental stages of your therapy business. If you’re looking to grow your therapy practice, it may help to think of it as a young child.

If your practice were a young child, would you say it is well cared for? How aware are you of the needs of your practice and how well do you meet them? Do you give it your time and attention? Your interest and support? Your love and understanding? Or perhaps you find these questions bizarre?

without attention you will find it hard to grow your therapy rpactice
Why am I sad?

A child who suffers neglect may struggle to thrive in adulthood, and while they may look like an adult, and even behave like an adult, they may experience challenges in their health, their work or their relationships.

Without care and attention, your practice may fail to thrive

Any business in which the owner does not focus on the needs of the business (at least to some extent), will also fail to thrive. Business knowledge and skill is not a once off assignment that you complete in college and never have to look at again for the rest of your working life. In a job working for someone else the momentum of the organisation draws the individual along. Without the ongoing attention and energy of the practitioner, a private practice will grind to a halt.

In this short video, What Supports Do We Need? I outline the practical and internal supports that a self-employed practitioner needs in order to grow a therapy practice.

If you missed the previous videos, you can watch them here:

It’s a growing up thing!

How does growth happen?

If you are starting your private practice you might like to attend my popular workshop, The Business of Therapy, Starting a Therapy Practice, in Dublin on 5th October. Click this link for more details.

And if you’d like to learn more about the inner journey to grow your therapy practice, I’d love to see you at my new workshop on 19th October in Navan. Click this link for more details.