Adding a little love to your marketing!

Adding a little love to your marketing!

In February we celebrated Valentine’s Day.

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You could be forgiven for thinking it was about sales of cards, chocolate, and flowers, or that it was just for the young ones. It has got bent and twisted out of shape over the years, so much so, that many people hate it. But underneath the hype and the pressure, the day is about love. A day when we express our love and affection for those who are important to us.

It’s hard to get therapists interested in marketing, take it from me. It has a bad press. We often have bad associations with it, perhaps a legacy from being on the receiving end of a hard sell. Or we are uncomfortable in telling our prospective clients what our service can offer them, because we don’t think that much of our abilities. But for whatever reason, marketing your practice, like Valentine’s Day, has become disconnected in our minds from its true purpose, which is letting you help more people in the way you want to.

I was listening to something recently in which the speaker was talking about marketing with love, and it struck me, that that’s what’s missing so often. Thinking about a client who is in trouble of some kind, who is experiencing some challenge or pain in their lives, evokes a feeling of concern and empathy in us. Marketing, on the other hand, evokes the opposite, a groan, or shame or maybe just apathy.

As you think about marketing your services, how would it be to hold the image of that client who you would like to help to the forefront of your mind and imagine yourself reaching out to them and offering them support. How would it be to reach out in love?

How would your marketing be different if you thought of it as an expression of love?

If you struggle to market your practice is a way that feels good to you, perhaps I can help? Contact me here for a free 20 minute consultation.