Tag: therapy practice marketing

  • Marketing Dilemmas

    To practice our therapy skills, there must be someone who has a problem, or a question, or a wondering that we can help. We need clients to practice with. There are basically two ways in which to find clients: Someone hires us to see clients that they have available, or We find them ourselves. I…

  • Learning Bridge Through Swahili

    I had been thinking for some time that I really would like to learn how to play Bridge. Most of my family play, and many of my friends do too. I just never got around to learning. I was in the local public library recently and they were selling off surplus stock books, and there…

  • Marketing Your Practice – What Makes You Stand Out From The Crowd?

    It’s something I hear at least once a week: “There are so many therapists qualifying these days. How will there ever be enough clients to go around?” I don’t know if there are lots of therapists coming into the system, perhaps there are or there aren’t, but maybe there’s a better way of looking at…