Tag: therapist burnout

  • Investing in Your Therapy Practice

    It can take 3 years or more to get any new practice off the ground, and even then, some struggle for ever to earn sufficient income to support themselves. Often the response to that is to “tighten the belt” or trim expenses to the minimum in order to make ends meet. However, there is another…

  • The Old Stories Are Still The Best…

    Remember those bedtime stories you loved as a child? Remember how they made you feel warm and comfortable inside, as you knew every word and every twist and turn of the story? Remember how, even though you knew it was coming, even though you knew it was only a story, you still felt the start…

  • In Case of Emergency

    In case of emergency… It’s the scenario we don’t want to think about, but it could happen to any of us in the morning. If you suddenly became ill or incapacitated, what would happen to your practice? Would your family and colleagues know what to do? During my career in the accountancy profession, on several…

  • 5 Strategies for Having a Stress Free Practice

    “Work would be great if it weren’t for the clients” was something I heard regularly in my former occupation as an accountant. It was said tongue in cheek, but really spoke to a truth about the ambivalence that many feel about their work, and not just in accountancy. We’d like it to be easy and…

  • Setting up In Practice: 8 Important Steps to Looking After Yourself in the Work

    There is a serious danger in this work that the practitioner’s needs become eclipsed by the needs of her clients.  This is particularly so in the early years, when a therapist may not have enough clients and takes on everything that comes their way for fear that there will never be any more.It can also…

  • Minding Your Business of Therapy

    Over the last week, I’ve been making suggestions about how you might use the Therapy Practice Business Assessment as the basis for making some changes to your therapy or counselling practice in 2016. So far, we’ve looked at three areas: Knowing Your Practice, Growing Your Practice and Valuing Your Practice. (You can read the blog…

  • Self Care at Christmas

    At a recent workshop, I was surprised to hear so many speak of the desire to step out of the frantic energy that seems to be around this time of year in the run up to Christmas. My surprise was not just that so many named it, but that I too was feeling it, and…

  • Ten Ways to Help Keep The Stress At Bay

    Most occupations have their stress points, and therapy and counselling are no exception. Sitting with clients while they talk about their lives, particularly if you find yourself tired and drained at the end of the day, can take its toll. The financial climate at present is causing huge stress for many people. Many people find…

  • Technology Overwhelm?

    Technology Overwhelm? Are you scared by how quickly the world is changing? Are you tyrannised by your email inbox? Daunted by the idea of online banking? Terrified of the idea of online counselling? Or are you addicted to non-stop information? You’re not alone! The pace of change is staggering. Do you realise that it’s only…

  • 7 Ways to Mind Yourself as a Therapist

    Much of our work focusses on the trouble and pain that our clients encounter in their lives. Some days sitting with clients can be a dark and hopeless experience. It’s important therefore that our life outside the therapy room gives us some balance to that. We all have ways that work for us, but at…