Tag: technology overwhelm

  • The Hidden Value of Action

    There are two main schools of thought when it comes to how to do things: that we should get ourselves into alignment with what we want before we take action (or in other words, wait until we feel ready) or that we should take the action anyway. Personally, I move backwards and forwards between these…

  • The Moving Stupids

    The team of therapists I work with in Naas recently moved to new premises at the Osprey Business Centre. It’s an exciting move for us. As with any transition, there’s a period of letting go of the old and finding my feet in the new. I have decided to leave behind some of the bits…

  • 5 Strategies for Having a Stress Free Practice

    “Work would be great if it weren’t for the clients” was something I heard regularly in my former occupation as an accountant. It was said tongue in cheek, but really spoke to a truth about the ambivalence that many feel about their work, and not just in accountancy. We’d like it to be easy and…

  • Setting up In Practice: 8 Important Steps to Looking After Yourself in the Work

    There is a serious danger in this work that the practitioner’s needs become eclipsed by the needs of her clients.  This is particularly so in the early years, when a therapist may not have enough clients and takes on everything that comes their way for fear that there will never be any more.It can also…

  • Seven Ways to Get Past Procrastination

    Some people don’t believe there’s any such thing as procrastination. Some believe it has a life of its own waiting to ambush everything you ever wanted to do. Whatever your beliefs, there are days when you know there are things that could help you to build your practice, or help it to run more smoothly,…

  • Look At What Technology Can Do For You…

    The technological age has brought many changes, and not all of them are positive. Relationships changing with the advent of mobile phones, social media and instant information. The old ways are dying out, I hear people say, we aren’t talking any more, we pay more attention to virtual friends than real ones. In other words,…

  • Technology Overwhelm?

    Technology Overwhelm? Are you scared by how quickly the world is changing? Are you tyrannised by your email inbox? Daunted by the idea of online banking? Terrified of the idea of online counselling? Or are you addicted to non-stop information? You’re not alone! The pace of change is staggering. Do you realise that it’s only…