Tag: profitable practice

  • Technology Overwhelm?

    Technology Overwhelm? Are you scared by how quickly the world is changing? Are you tyrannised by your email inbox? Daunted by the idea of online banking? Terrified of the idea of online counselling? Or are you addicted to non-stop information? You’re not alone! The pace of change is staggering. Do you realise that it’s only…

  • Personal Safety

    Working as a self-employed therapist or counsellor, you don’t have the same support structures as there might be within an organisation. Most counselling centres will have small numbers of people, and are unlikely to have security staff. In fact, you may be the only person working on the premises. This is also the case when…

  • Personal Power

    I often hear therapists talking about self esteem, and how a lack of self worth can hinder them in taking action to grow their practice. An important ingredient of self-esteem is personal power. Many people react negatively to the word POWERFUL assuming it means threatening or domineering. As many have experienced being on the receiving…

  • Three Essential Skills that Practising Therapists Need

    It is estimated that at least one in three practitioners setting up private practice have changed their mind within three years. Shocking isn’t it? What separates those who succeed from those who don’t? You might be surprised to learn that it’s not their skill or ability as a therapist, but their business mind set. You…

  • Referrals and Referral Fees

    Referrals are probably the most common way that therapists and counsellors get new clients. Many of them come through personal recommendations, from colleagues, friends, existing or former clients, or through other professionals, such as doctors. Sometimes more formal arrangements are in place, where referrals are made in return for a fee or other consideration. Typically,…

  • Can I Earn More In My Practice Without Working Extra Hours?

    The subject of money can be a thorny one for practitioners. With lots of talk about recession and redundancies, therapists can find it hard to charge an economic rate. One way of earning more is to work more hours, but if that’s not possible, here are some tips: 1. Increase your rate per hour. A…

  • More About Accounts – Balance Sheet

    What’s a Balance Sheet? A Balance Sheet is a statement of the assets and liabilities of a business or entity at a point in time, expressed in money. Assets are things owned by the business. Liabilities are things owed by the business. Although the contents and layout may vary according to the size and nature…

  • All in Their Own Time

    My name is Jude and I’m impatient. At times, I’m very impatient. It has its good side, I tend to be efficient and eager to move forward, but it also has its downsides. One of the hardest lessons I’ve had to learn in my life is that things happen in their own time, and often…

  • Stretching Our World

    I suggested in a previous post (you can read it here) that trying something different on a regular basis can be good for your practice. This one suggestion has made a huge difference to my work, and to my life, in ways I couldn’t have begun to imagine. One of the ways we deal with…

  • Blackberries and the Power of Decisions

    I really love blackberry jam. I love the taste, the texture, the smell, the memories it evokes, and I love the way it spills onto my fingers as I eat and makes them sticky. I love everything about it. But it’s hard to find in the shops, and the commercial varieties bear little resemblance to…