Tag: private practice

  • Can the Client Pay?

    Twice recently, while discussing with therapists who might be their ideal clients, the question of clients’ ability to pay came up. Or rather, it didn’t come up. Neither of the therapists in question mentioned ability to pay as a criteria they would consider in forming an idea of their ideal client. And yet, both of…

  • All About Business Cards

    At a recent meeting of therapists I attended, one recently qualified therapist was describing the dilemmas that she had met in deciding on a design for her business cards. It’s an issue that can tie people in knots, and keep them stuck for long periods of time, while they work through their feelings. I thought…

  • What’s in a Name?

    How do you decide what to call your counselling or therapy practice? Do you use your own name, or do you opt for a name that conjures an image in the mind of potential clients or referrers? Do you choose something that captures the essence of the service you’re hoping to provide? Here are some…

  • Paperwork Blues?

    7 Tips for Easier Accounting It’s coming up to that time of year, when the deadline for submission of accounts and tax returns for self-employed professionals looms. If you haven’t got your 2019 accounts completed and submitted yet, it might be time to start thinking about it. Tax Payment 31 October is also the time…

  • I Absolve You For Being Human

    “I absolve you for being human!” That’s what my friend said to me when I told her of my mistake. “I absolve you for being human,” and then she added, “And you could absolve yourself, too!” I try hard to get it right. I had tried hard for about 20 minutes to avoid this particular…

  • Five Ways to Make your Marketing More Effective

    A therapist client asked me recently to help her create marketing material that would bring in more clients. This otherwise articulate professional found it difficult to put words together into promotional material, in a way that sounded authentic without being sleazy. If you’re going to invest money in getting a brochure or flyer designed and…

  • Summertime and the Living is Easy…or maybe not! Coping With Seasonality

    It’s been a glorious summer, sunshine all the way. But for some practitioners, any summer, and a fine one in particular, is not the good news it might be. For many reasons, the holiday season can result in a fall off of work for counsellors and therapists. Clients feel better, they go on holidays, or…

  • Do you Advertise or Not?

    I often get asked by practitioners, “Is it okay to advertise my services?” And in particular, “Is it okay to advertise on the Internet?” Those in favour of advertising online will argue that we live in a technological age, and that potential clients will reach for their phone, iPad or computer as the first source…

  • Our Time is Up!

    Setting and holding firm boundaries is an important aspect of self care. It helps us to mind ourselves in the work, and reminds us that our needs are important too. It is also an important aspect of modelling for our clients. An ability to set and hold boundaries is an important skill in the business…

  • Setting up a Private Practice

    Are you thinking of starting your own practice as a counsellor or psychotherapist? This workshop will help you get off the ground. Looking at the practical issues related to setting up a private professional practice such as Clarifying the type of practice you would like to create Exploring the services you might provide, and the…