Tag: private practice

  • The Support We Don’t See

    On Thursday, I couldn’t access one of my email accounts. Friday, I couldn’t make payments online. It could be what a former mentor of mine calls “Mercury Retrograde” which (I think) implies, “Don’t rely on technology today, the Gods are playing.” After trying all the usual work-arounds (I am persistent!), another machine, another web browser,…

  • A Time to Act

    A couple of years ago, I was visiting some family members whose barge was moored on the canal near my home. It was a wet, rainy afternoon. The barge was tied up to a mooring post in the grass bank, and to get on and off, we had to walk across a gang plank, four…

  • Help! I Need A Room, Fast

    Help! I have no where to see my client. I need a room, and fast! This was the dilemma my friend found herself in when first started her practice. She had a willing client, but no therapy room. Here are a couple of ideas we came up with:

  • What Does a Successful Practice Look Like For You?

    The first step in establishing a therapy or counselling practice (or indeed any other kind of venture) is to envisage it. Since most people who set out to do something do so with an attitude of wanting it to go well, I am assuming that you want your practice to be successful. What would tell…

  • What Do You Think of the Competition?

    What comes to mind when you hear the word “competition”? For many people, it conjures up a sense of threat. But I wonder if you have ever thought of the competition as an asset? A common topic of discussion among therapists is the challenge of isolation. Perhaps surprisingly, this is not just a feature of…

  • Limiting Beliefs

    One of the ways in which we can limit ourselves, whether in the context of our practice, or in life generally, is through our unconscious beliefs about money. Most people are unaware that these beliefs can be running in the background, subtly influencing how we live our lives. Therapists will probably be more aware than…

  • Finding Your Voice

    My good friend and EFT practitioner, Barbara E Belmont has been blogging recently about fears of various aspects of finding your voice, speaking up and speaking out. (You can read her blog at http://www.barbaraebelmont.com/blog/) As I read what she has to say, I‘m wondering what is it about putting ourselves out there, in whatever way,…

  • Feeling Low? (Soap Box Warning)

    You’ve heard the saying about the cobbler’s children haven’t you? So many therapists tell me they enjoy what they do. They speak warmly of the growth they see in clients, the tiny surge of excitement when something changes, and the joy of seeing someone move on to better things. However, sometimes after that first rush…

  • What Horse Riding has Taught me About Therapy Practice Part 1: Eddie Macken and the Ideal Client

    It was clear from the moment I first saw him that he was a master in the saddle. I had no idea who he was, but I knew he knew his stuff. I was mesmerised by his hands, by the way he sat, by the effortlessness of his movements. All the directions my riding instructor…

  • Where to Practice From? Location, location, location!

    One of the key decisions in starting to practice is where to base yourself. It may seem like you have lots of options, or very few. Here are some ideas to consider, and help you choose: