Tag: practice start up

  • More About Accounts – Balance Sheet

    What’s a Balance Sheet? A Balance Sheet is a statement of the assets and liabilities of a business or entity at a point in time, expressed in money. Assets are things owned by the business. Liabilities are things owed by the business. Although the contents and layout may vary according to the size and nature…

  • The Value of a Good Supervisor

    Supervisors matter. In fact, a fledgling therapist can be taken to an unimaginable level based solely on the supervisor they have. Supervisors serve many roles for the practicing therapist: They see the big picture. I can only see what I am doing from my own limited perspective. I’m too close to the action I’m involved…

  • All in Their Own Time

    My name is Jude and I’m impatient. At times, I’m very impatient. It has its good side, I tend to be efficient and eager to move forward, but it also has its downsides. One of the hardest lessons I’ve had to learn in my life is that things happen in their own time, and often…

  • Blackberries and the Power of Decisions

    I really love blackberry jam. I love the taste, the texture, the smell, the memories it evokes, and I love the way it spills onto my fingers as I eat and makes them sticky. I love everything about it. But it’s hard to find in the shops, and the commercial varieties bear little resemblance to…

  • Fearful of Putting Yourself Out There?

    Many therapists shy away from the idea of promoting themselves. At one of our “Attract More Clients” workshops, my friend and colleague Wei Sim Ho led the group in a discussion of the fears and blocks that come up for them around marketing, and guess what came up? Fears of being judged, of not being good…

  • The Big Drop – Have You Thought About A Pension?

    Some years ago, one of the financial institutions ran an ad that asked, “Are you ready for the big drop?” The big drop was, of course, the gap between our income before retirement and after retirement. The point being made was that some people have insufficiently provided for their pension. Are you one of those?…

  • Need to Attract More Clients? Just Ask

    I was in the bank some time ago and a woman who was trying to encourage me to buy a pension gave me a box of mints with “Just Ask” written on it. It reminded me of how complicated we can make the whole looking- for-clients thing. Earlier this week, a friend who was thinking…

  • A Time to Act

    A couple of years ago, I was visiting some family members whose barge was moored on the canal near my home. It was a wet, rainy afternoon. The barge was tied up to a mooring post in the grass bank, and to get on and off, we had to walk across a gang plank, four…

  • Help! I Need A Room, Fast

    Help! I have no where to see my client. I need a room, and fast! This was the dilemma my friend found herself in when first started her practice. She had a willing client, but no therapy room. Here are a couple of ideas we came up with:

  • The Buck Stops Here

    Many therapists setting out in practice for the first time have closed their doors and gone back to working for someone else within three years. Not because they’re not good therapists, not because they aren’t helping their clients, but because they had no idea what it takes to run a business. I learnt this lesson…