Tag: practice promotion

  • Have you outgrown your circle?

    We’ve all met the client who wants to have a different life (whether it’s health, happiness, relationships, money or whatever) but is reluctant to change. If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got. It’s not entirely clear who said it. Albert Einstein, Henry Ford and Tony Robbins…

  • New Online Course “Marketing Your Practice”

    I am delighted to announce that a new online course is coming soon from This Business of Therapy and TherapyAcademy.ie. Presented by Jude Fay the new course includes 10 modules, with videos, text files and exercises to help you to integrate what you learn. Learn it at your own pace, at your desk. 10 hours…

  • Letting yourself shine!

    You might think that hobby you do in your spare time, or that quirky thing you’re good at that has no relevance to creating or developing your therapy practice? You might be wrong! If you watch to the end of the video, I’ll share with you one of the things that I like to do……

  • Willingness to Create a Practice

    There’s a saying that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Taking that first step, and each of the steps that comes after it asks our willingness to move. Willingness is an essential attribute of being a small therapy practice owner. Not just willingness to do the client work, but also…

  • My Own Best Boss

    I’ve often said in these articles that when we are self-employed we are both the boss and the employee. I was thinking about that recently, and wondering what sort of a boss I would like to be to myself? The job of the boss is many layered. The boss Directs the business Monitors progress Supervises…

  • Hidden Agendas

    As we start a new year, and may be making some new year’s resolutions, it’s a good time to ask ourselves what do we want for our practices over the coming year. It’s a straightforward question which can have a complicated answer because often we want many things, and some of the things we want…

  • Marketing on a Shoestring?

    This home cooked video is an example of how you can create online marketing materials for your practice with little technical know-how and virtually no cost. (It will take a little of your time!!) How Can A Video Be Used to Market Your Practice?

  • Promoting Your Practice? 4 Important Questions

    Before deciding how to promote your practice, you need to do some preparation work. This is easiest done by asking four important questions of yourself. These four questions could be called the “4 Ps”: Product Price People Path

  • The Merits of Working for Nothing

    Working for free is fine, and a valid marketing strategy, as long as we feel it’s our choice. However, it can breed expectation, so don’t take yourself for granted, or you’ll find others will too. The marketing environment has changed hugely over the past few decades. Providing information, samples and services for free is now…

  • That’s A Great Question!

    I’ve been doing some workshops recently, and have been asked a couple of great questions: What happens to my clients and my files when I die? This is something you need to think about. Obviously, we’d all like to think that we will have some warning of the end of our practising life, and most…