Tag: practice location

  • Setting Up A Therapy or Counselling Practice – Housekeeping Tasks

    So following on from my last post do you now have some idea of the type of practice you’d like to have? (missed it? Read it here) So, what’s next? In order to set up a self-employed therapy or counselling practice, and before you take on your first client, there are a number of “housekeeping”…

  • Changing it Up

    I’ve spoken before about getting focussed, whether it be on what you want, on a niche or target market, or on the way you see yourself in your practice. Today, I want to talk about changing things a little. Why on earth would you want to do that? I come from a big family, and…

  • Help! I Need A Room, Fast

    Help! I have no where to see my client. I need a room, and fast! This was the dilemma my friend found herself in when first started her practice. She had a willing client, but no therapy room. Here are a couple of ideas we came up with:

  • Where to Practice From? Location, location, location!

    One of the key decisions in starting to practice is where to base yourself. It may seem like you have lots of options, or very few. Here are some ideas to consider, and help you choose: