Tag: marketing

  • You Need a Plan!

    Do you have a plan for marketing your therapy or counselling practice? I’ve noticed talking to newly qualified therapists, that few have received training in relation to marketing or promoting their practice. As a result, many arrive at the end of the training process with no idea what to do next, or how to go…

  • 12 Ways to Put Yourself Out There

    Looking for ideas to promote your practice? Here are twelve ways you could do it. Pick some that appeal to you, and are most likely to attract the clients you’d like. Think about placement too. Where are you most likely to find your ideal clients? Will the medium you’ve chosen be seen by them? Ask…

  • Allowing In What We Want

    As we turn into the second quarter of the year, and the evenings are getting a bit longer, New Year’s seems a long time in the past, and with it, any resolutions I might have made that 2016 would be different from 2015. Do you hate New Year’s Resolutions, setting intentions, making goals or anything…

  • The Importance of Intention

    “Nature abhors a vacuum” I was taught in one of my first science classes. Whether you’re talking about air rushing in to fill the empty space, or how other people’s goals and intentions can fill up the space in our lives, it’s true. Nothing gets done without there first being an intention. My big indulgence…

  • Growing Your Therapy Practice

    If you haven’t tried it out already, I suggest that you might use the Therapy Practice Business Assessment as the basis for making some changes to your therapy or counselling practice in the coming year. If you missed the blog post in which I made suggestions for Knowing Your Practice, you can read it here.…

  • IACP Survey of Members

    The IACP recently published results of a survey of members and it makes interesting reading. You can download the report from the IACP website, here. For me, the questions relating to the business side of running a therapy or counselling practice are particularly interesting. The survey reports that the recession seems to have had a…

  • Looking Forward

    Therapy training for me was full of metaphors about gardening and farming. In our work with clients, we were told, it takes time for seeds to grow. Don’t pull them out of the pot to see their roots, the shoots will appear above the ground in due course. The law of the harvest says it…

  • Price War

    There used to be an old joke about a man selling eggs. One morning he put a sign outside his door saying “One dozen large eggs, €2.50.” An hour later, he looked out the door of his shop to see another shopkeeper on the other side of the road had put a sign out saying,…

  • Help! I Need an Elevator Pitch!

    A therapist client recently asked me for help in writing an elevator pitch. You’ve probably heard how it goes…you get into an elevator, there’s a potential client there, perfect for you, needing what you have to offer, what do you say? You have between 30 and 60 seconds to deliver your message before the doors…

  • In your Therapy Practice: Don’t Confuse Cost Savings with Cost Effectiveness

    One way to sabotage your practice is to confuse cost savings with cost effectiveness. Some costs have to be incurred in order to run your practice. Some are optional. Some costs will generate income for you down the road, others will not. Some costs will bring other benefits, such as developing your skill base, or…