Tag: get more clients

  • Money Shows Up Our Trust Issues!

    Nothing brings up trust issues as quickly or as obviously as money! (Except perhaps sex?) I have had several clients who pay me at the start of the session rather than risk forgetting to pay at the end. I’ve asked about it and the answer is always the same, they don’t trust themselves to remember.…

  • Dirty Nappies and Sticky Toffees

    When I was growing up, a cousin, about four or five years younger than me, asked his mother (in the hearing of several of us older kids) to chew his toffee for him because it was too hard. He never lived it down. At the time, I dismissed him as immature and childish. In recent…

  • And Now I Know…

    I’ve been making mistakes recently. Silly mistakes, frustrating mistakes, mistakes I wouldn’t usually make. Driving last week, I was thinking about the workshop I was giving on Saturday, Starting a Therapy Practice, and the challenges that starting a therapy practice presents. I was thinking about how there are really two closely interlinked sides to the…

  • Pushing Against Closed Doors

    I’ve written before about how we always have options in addressing an issue. Those options generally break down into the following groups: We can try to change the situation or the other person We can leave the situation or relationship We can change our own behaviour so as to fit in with the situation or…

  • EFT Video for Therapists: Hiding Things

    If my last blog post “Hiding Things” struck a chord for you, you might like my new tapping video. Try it out here:

  • EFT Video- Calming the Panic Around Change

    The Sky is Falling In!! When setting up a practice for the first time, or when taking some big step in your practice that asks you to move out of your familiar zone and into something different, it is natural that strong feelings can arise. There’s the anxiety: What is going to happen? The self-doubt:…

  • Getting To More Than Enough

    I have spoken in previous articles about the 3 Phases of a Therapy Practice: Not Enough, Just About Enough and More Than Enough. I have also explored some of the aspects of moving from the first phase to the second. Today, I’d like to look at the work needed to move to the More Than…

  • If your therapy practice were a car, who’s driving?

    If your therapy practice is a vehicle, are you an owner, a driver or a passenger? Think about a car for a moment. You can enjoy the advantages of a car in different ways. You can own the car, drive someone else’s car, or be a passenger in someone else’s car.

  • Does the Word Networking Fill you with Terror?

    Go on, how do you really feel about networking? For me, I can’t imagine anything worse than a room full of people I don’t know. I even find it hard to be part of a room full of people I do know, let alone strike up a conversation with strangers. Does this sound familiar? So,…

  • Can Social Media Help to Promote a Therapy Practice?

    Have you thought about social media as a means of promoting your practice but you don’t know where to start? It can be a bit overwhelming, there are so many choices available. And there can be so many questions about what is right for you and your practice. With the ever increasing popularity and reach…