Tag: fee rates

  • How to Work Out Therapy Fee Rates?

    In another post, (see here) I outlined the factors that you need to consider in arriving at a fee rate, and also what a budget looks like (see here). Here’s an example of how to work the figures. Start with what you want to earn. Let’s say for this example, you want to earn €500…

  • More About Accounts – Making Sense of the Figures

    Comparison With Previous Period One feature of your typical set of financial statements is that they give comparative figures for the previous accounting period (usually a year, but in larger organisations accounts will be prepared more regularly so the comparative may be the previous month, or quarter.) The benefit of comparative figures is that the…

  • How Do I Earn Enough as a Therapist so I Can Give up the Day Job?

    Good Question. And on the face of it, this is an easy one to answer: Have sufficient clients paying you a sufficient rate to give you what you want to earn. So if you want to replace a €30,000 a year job, and if your expenses amount to €5,000 per year, you will need to…

  • Cancellations

    A reader asked me how he could engage with people who regularly cancel their sessions. Cancellations can be a pain in the neck. You need your income and also want to work in a satisfactory way with clients. Cancellations can interrupt both. I won’t go into all the issues that could be giving rise to…

  • Can I Earn More In My Practice Without Working Extra Hours?

    The subject of money can be a thorny one for practitioners. With lots of talk about recession and redundancies, therapists can find it hard to charge an economic rate. One way of earning more is to work more hours, but if that’s not possible, here are some tips: 1. Increase your rate per hour. A…