Tag: client referrals

  • IACP Survey of Members

    The IACP recently published results of a survey of members and it makes interesting reading. You can download the report from the IACP website, here. For me, the questions relating to the business side of running a therapy or counselling practice are particularly interesting. The survey reports that the recession seems to have had a…

  • The Challenges of Working In A Rural Practice

    One of the questions that comes up for counsellors and therapists is where to base their practice, and one of the options is to live and work in the countryside rather than the town or city. Being one of few or perhaps the only practitioner in a rural area has its advantages, mainly that there…

  • How To Prepare For Meetings With Doctors

    A practitioner asked me recently how to prepare for meetings she had set up with doctors. She was concerned about how to convey to them what her job entailed, and what questions they might ask. It was a bit like asking me what she might be asked in an interview! When I visited our local…

  • Help! I Need an Elevator Pitch!

    A therapist client recently asked me for help in writing an elevator pitch. You’ve probably heard how it goes…you get into an elevator, there’s a potential client there, perfect for you, needing what you have to offer, what do you say? You have between 30 and 60 seconds to deliver your message before the doors…

  • In your Therapy Practice: Don’t Confuse Cost Savings with Cost Effectiveness

    One way to sabotage your practice is to confuse cost savings with cost effectiveness. Some costs have to be incurred in order to run your practice. Some are optional. Some costs will generate income for you down the road, others will not. Some costs will bring other benefits, such as developing your skill base, or…

  • Employee Assistance Programs

    A useful source of work for many counsellors is Employee Assistance Program work (EAP). An EAP is a program of supports that an employer provides to employees as part of their employment contract. The supports offered usually include support for a range of work related issues (including performance), and other issues such as legal issues,…

  • Lots of Things to do with Business Cards

    So you’ve got your business cards printed up, now what? Sometimes we can put lots of energy into getting them printed, but have no idea what to do next. Here are some ideas for you… Consider getting your business card printed onto a magnet that can be attached to a filing cabinet or other metal…

  • Fees and Mind Set

    Another limiting factor to earning enough as a therapist is our mind set about charging an economic fee. The factors that affect what a therapist is willing to charge will include: What I believe is ethical or moral to charge people who may be in pain, What I believe clients are willing or able to…

  • Earning Enough as a Therapist – Limiting Factors

    Recently, I wrote about the numbers you needed to work on in order to replace your day job with a life as a self-employed therapist. As I said then, in looking at trading a full-time employment position for a full or part time self-employed position, the questions are far more complex than working out the…

  • Look At What Technology Can Do For You…

    The technological age has brought many changes, and not all of them are positive. Relationships changing with the advent of mobile phones, social media and instant information. The old ways are dying out, I hear people say, we aren’t talking any more, we pay more attention to virtual friends than real ones. In other words,…