Can I Earn More In My Practice Without Working Extra Hours?

The subject of money can be a thorny one for practitioners. With lots of talk about recession and redundancies, therapists can find it hard to charge an economic rate. One way of earning more is to work more hours, but if that’s not possible, here are some tips:

1. Increase your rate per hour. A small increase of even a couple of euro per hour will result in a big change over time. There are several ways to do this:

  • Increase the rate for all clients from a particular date. Give existing clients several weeks’ notice, it makes the transition easier, and lowers the resistance.
  • Introduce an increased rate for new clients. This is an easier option, but also slower in terms of the result it brings.

2. If you allow negotiation about fee levels, create a minimum level below which you are not willing to go, and stick to it.

3. If you have a sliding scale, raise both the minimum and maximum rates, but narrow the gap, by cash registerraising the minimum one more.

4. Always offer your highest rate first. Don’t offer a discount, let your client ask.

5. Be clear about the criteria for reduced rates, for example, for unemployed, students and OAPs.

6. To avoid the possibility of being argued down by guilt about the client’s circumstances, have the contact details of a low cost service close to hand, and be prepared to refer the client on. If you find it hard to justify, try this or similar wording “I’m sorry, my own financial circumstances don’t allow me to charge less than x, but I recommend y, they give a very satisfactory service at low cost. Here’s their number.”

7. And my favourite tip. If you find all of this very difficult, don’t wait until you’ve met the client and heard their story before you introduce the subject of fees. Raise it at the beginning of the session or better still, when the appointment is made. That way you are less likely to succumb to the guilt!

If you’d like to talk about how you can earn more in your practice, I have a couple of coaching spaces available, so contact me here for an appointment.