Month: August 2014

  • I Just Can’t Do the Marketing Stuff

    “I just can’t do this marketing stuff! It’s not me.” That’s what the therapist said to me. And she was right. So I asked a question, “Do you want to do it?” She smiled and said, “That’s a good question. I don’t know. But I need more work, so it feels like I don’t have…

  • Stuck on a roundabout in your practice and can’t get off?

    Sometimes when growing our practices, it’s like being stuck on a roundabout from which we can’t exit. How might your beliefs or perceptions be blocking your path?

  • Celebrating Ourselves and Our Work

    I’ve been thinking a bit about testimonials recently. They’re not something you often see in relation to therapy or counselling practices. Many people feel uncomfortable with the idea of asking for them, or displaying them. I don’t have a strong view about them one way or the other. I use them in relation to workshops…